Friday, November 19, 2010

Healthier School Lunches

Over 400 parents have signed a petition to achieve healthier school lunches for students at Lombard Elementary District 44 in Lombard, Illinois. The superintendent is working with the parents, who have been vocalizing their concerns over their kids' school menu at board meetings, to help choose their next food vendor for 2012. In the meantime, he will be working with Lombard's current vendor on upgrading the menu to incorporate healthier meals.  Even though the menu adheres to the basic dietary guidelines, those guidelines are extremely poor. According to the superintendent, Jim Blanche,
“I don’t eat a school lunch and I probably wouldn’t eat a school lunch, when you have guidelines that count ketchup as a vegetable, that might be a problem.” This is more than a problem! Unhealthy school lunches contribute to obesity, and diets high in unsaturated fats, oils, and sugar. If students aren't getting the proper nutrition from school, then how are they supposed to be energized and focused enough to learn?
--->Article on Lombard Elementary District 44 School Lunches<---


  1. This is a great idea because I remember as a kid not only were these lunches unhealthy they were disgusting as well. I would usually bring a packed lunch in order to avoid having to eat the food schools in my city provided. It is good to see people are trying to make a change for their childrens health

  2. I love this article becasue i think heathier school lunches in elemtary and high schools is so important. It is only meal out of their day but ine unhealthy meal everyday can do alot of damage.
