Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chickpeas !

I've always liked hummus, but I recently started eating whole chickpeas, or garbanzo beans. I started reading about the nutritional value of chickpeas and found out they're pretty healthy. They're full of zinc, folate, and protein and a healthy substitute for meat. Meat is usually high in fat and cholesterol anyways, so I don't mind the switch-up.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I recently tried hummus and enjoy it with a bit of fresh homemade salsa. It is quite a light and refreshing snack taht does not leave me groggy or weighed down. Thank you for the info Donna

  3. I really enjoy hummus. It is a great snack and I feel it doesn't make you feel bad afterwards. I have never tried chickpeas, but after reading this post I looked up more information on them as well. It does seem like they have a good amount of health benefits. I will have to give them a try! Thanks for letting us know =)
