Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Is Green Tea Really THAT Healthy for You?

Link----> Green tea information from mayo clinic <----Link

While I was studying abroad in China, I quickly learned how important tea was to almost everyone. At WSU, I'm used to seeing students with water bottles or coffee, but at Capital Normal University, every student had a clear container of boiling water with tea leaves. Since the water was not clean enough to drink from the faucet, boiling water machines were found in every academic and residential building at the school, which made it convenient for everyone to make a cup of tea before and after classes. At first, I had never seen so many people use real tea leaves for their tea, since I was accustomed to tea bags back home, but I quickly adapted to their customs and bought tea leaves from the grocery store to make my own tea.

So is green tea really as healthy as it's believed to be? In terms of to lower high cholesterol, more tests need to be done to prove that it could have an impact. I've also heard green tea was used for weight loss maintenance, but study results on using green tea capsules have been mixed. Furthermore, the belief that green tea can lower your stress level isn't true according to Mayoclinic, since it has shown to have no effect on hypertension or to even increase it (due to caffeine).

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chickpeas !

I've always liked hummus, but I recently started eating whole chickpeas, or garbanzo beans. I started reading about the nutritional value of chickpeas and found out they're pretty healthy. They're full of zinc, folate, and protein and a healthy substitute for meat. Meat is usually high in fat and cholesterol anyways, so I don't mind the switch-up.